2006:1905 - 11–13 Silver Street, Nenagh, Tipperary

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Tipperary Site name: 11–13 Silver Street, Nenagh

Sites and Monuments Record No.: TI020–037 Licence number: 05E1389

Author: Brian Hodkinson, Annaholty, Birdhill, Co. Tipperary.

Site type: Urban


ITM: E 586385m, N 678886m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.860717, -8.202178

Stripping of a small site for the foundations for proposed new offices revealed one feature cut into subsoil and continuing under the west boundary. It was the only feature which pre-dates the houses that were demolished immediately prior to excavation. The feature measured c. 3.1m along the boundary, extended c. 2.5m into the site and had homogenous grey clay soil fill. A fragment of red brick may have been part of the fill, but this is not definite. The probability is that the feature is post-medieval. The feature will be sealed intact under a raft foundation.