2006:1697 - Munny, Offaly

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Offaly Site name: Munny

Sites and Monuments Record No.: OF031–032 Licence number: 06E0310

Author: Ellen O’Carroll, 12 St Peter’s Terrace, Glenageary, Co. Dublin.

Site type: No archaeological significance


ITM: E 617183m, N 710038m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.140591, -7.743178

An assessment including testing was required as the development site at Munny, Kilcormac, lies within the zone of archaeological potential for the site of a circular mound. Five test-trenches were excavated across the footprint of two proposed dwelling houses. The upper 0.3m comprised mid-brown silty clay overlying natural subsoil which comprised yellow/brown mottled boulder clay. Nothing of archaeological significance was recorded during the testing.
According to the file notes at the Department of the Environment Heritage and Local Government (DoEHLG), OF031–032 was destroyed in 1991 during the removal of a field boundary ditch. This mound site was reputed to have been located at the eastern portion of the development site where there is a kink in the field boundary. The assessment concluded that this monument as described in the inventory and the DoEHLG archive is most likely to be marked in the wrong location. The remains of a mound/enclosure were shown to the author in a similar location on a road parallel to this development site, also in Munny townland. This mound is partially destroyed but fits the description of OF031–032 as recorded in the inventory. It is most likely that this mound is the actual site location of OF031–032.