County: Meath Site name: STAMULLIN
Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 05E0962 ext.
Author: Cliodhna Ní Lionáin, Arch-Tech Ltd.
Site type: Excavation - miscellaneous
Period/Dating: Prehistoric (12700 BC-AD 400)
ITM: E 714857m, N 765609m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.627681, -6.263542
The original programme of monitoring undertaken at Stamullin, in advance of the construction of a hotel development and access road, identified four areas of archaeological potential and four isolated features (Excavations 2005, No. 1246). While these were being resolved under licence 05E1271 (Excavations 2005, No. 1247; see also No. 1641 below), the original monitoring licence was reactivated and monitoring of groundworks in the revised access road and carpark area took place between 25 April and 8 May 2006. This identified 103 small and medium-sized potential features. Most of the features contained a light-yellow/grey fill, similar to the upper fills of many of the archaeological features identified in the original programme of monitoring. Two small features had charcoal-rich fills. These features were all excavated under 05E1271.
Further stripping was also required to encompass the northern extent of the northern spur of the access road, which extended 22m north of the field boundary. This was covered by an extension to licence 05E0962. No archaeological features were identified. A large worked flint was found from cleanback of the area.
32 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2