2006:AD5 - BALLYSHANNON, Donegal

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Donegal Site name: BALLYSHANNON

Sites and Monuments Record No.: DG107–053 Licence number: 06E0890

Author: Dominic Delany, Dominic Delany & Associates

Site type: No archaeology found

Period/Dating: N/A

ITM: E 587561m, N 861634m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.502988, -8.192042

Test excavation and monitoring of excavations associated with the Donegal broadband project were carried out from August to November 2006. Prior to development, a series of six test-trenches were excavated at the Market Yard carpark. This area is substantially raised above the original ground level. No archaeological features, finds or deposits were encountered during testing.

The excavation phase of the project involved the opening of a series of trenches throughout the town centre and its hinterland. All of the trenches were located along roads, either in the carriageway proper or in the adjoining verge or footpath. There were no river crossings other than at existing bridges. The trenches were 0.6m wide and were excavated to a standard depth of 0.9m in carriageways and 0.6m in verges/footpaths.

Junction boxes (1.25m2) were excavated where two or more trenches intersected, and at regular intervals along long straight sections. All of the works within the area of archaeological constraint surrounding the town were monitored on a full-time basis. The remainder of the works were subject to intermittent monitoring. No archaeological features, finds or deposits of significance were uncovered.

Unit 3, Howley Court, Oranmore, Co. Galway