2005:422 - 65–67 AUNGIER STREET, DUBLIN, Dublin

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Dublin Site name: 65–67 AUNGIER STREET, DUBLIN

Sites and Monuments Record No.: SMR 18:20 Licence number: 05E0582

Author: Colm Moriarty, Margaret Gowen & Co. Ltd, 27 Merrion Square, Dublin 2.

Site type: Urban medieval


ITM: E 715478m, N 733645m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.340425, -6.265915

Three test-trenches and an engineering test-pit were opened at the site of a proposed residential scheme at Nos 65–67 Aungier Street. These revealed that the site had been severely truncated by modern basements up to a depth of 2.7m below the current ground level. One feature, a truncated pit of medieval date, was identified. As this was an isolated feature, it was agreed that it should be resolved under the testing licence. The pit measured 2m east–west by 0.8m by at least 1.2m in depth. The cut was semicircular in plan and had concave sides. It was not bottomed, as the feature continued into the neighbouring property to the north. It was filled by green/brown silty clay, which contained occasional fragments of animal bone, three sherds of medieval pottery and two fragments of medieval tile. It seems likely that this feature represents the remains of a heavily truncated cesspit. Ground reduction of the remainder of the site was monitored and no other archaeological deposits were identified.