2005:106 - ANNAGH, Cavan

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Cavan Site name: ANNAGH

Sites and Monuments Record No.: CV010-001001 and CV010-001002 Licence number: 04E1300 EXT.

Author: Christopher Read, North West Archaeological Services

Site type: No archaeology found

Period/Dating: N/A

ITM: E 639185m, N 812887m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.063637, -7.401409

The site of a proposed development at Annagh townland is located just outside Ballyconnell, Co. Cavan, and consists of the site of Ballyconnell House and its associated outbuildings and grounds. The proposed development is to consist of eighteen houses, twelve townhouses and twenty-four apartments, in addition to related access roads and services. A castle site and bawn are located within the proposed development site. No surface traces of the castle site or bawn remain. Ballyconnell House and associated stable block may have been built on top of them. The proposed development was the subject of an impact assessment in May 2003 and testing in September 2004 (Excavations 2004, No. 101). While the majority of the site was archaeologically cleared, a section of a possible medieval wall was revealed in the south-facing section of Trench 12. It is likely that this wall is the remains of the castle or bawn wall. The wall was recorded and will be preserved in situ. On the basis of geophysical survey, further testing was requested in the vicinity of the exposed wall and to the rear of the stable block. Five trenches, measuring 10m by 1.25m, were excavated in June 2005, revealing no further archaeological features, finds or deposits.

Cloonfad Cottage, Cloonfad, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim