County: Mayo Site name: KINNAWONEEN, Clare Island
Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 02D048, 02R091
Author: Eoghan Kieran, c/o Archaeological Development Services Ltd.
Site type: No archaeology found
Period/Dating: N/A
ITM: E 471478m, N 785016m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.798806, -9.950959
An assessment took place of the impact of the proposed pier development at Kinnawoneen, Clare Island, on any submerged archaeological heritage. The proposed development will construct a 110m piled harbour wall travelling east from the tip of Kinnawoneen. Associated with this construction will be the placement of rock armour on the exposed exterior and interior landward side of the harbour. Dredging of the interior of the harbour will allow access at all stages of the tide.
A desktop survey has shown that the development area has been subject to significant human influence, both from landward and seaward fronts, for several centuries. Its proximity to SMR 85:23(01, 02), Granuaille's Castle, combined with the considerable erosion which has taken place in the area, makes this landscape an area of archaeological importance.
The inspection undertaken on 14 June revealed that there are no archaeological sites within the development zone.
Editor's note: Though carried out in 2002, this summary was received too late for inclusion in the bulletin of that year.
Windsor House, 11 Fairview Strand, Dublin 3