2004:0888 - GRANNY AND NEWRATH (Site 47), Kilkenny

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Kilkenny Site name: GRANNY AND NEWRATH (Site 47)

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 04E0256

Author: Linda Hegarty, Headland Archaeology Ltd.

Site type: Pit and Field boundary

Period/Dating: Modern (AD 1750-AD 2000)

ITM: E 656809m, N 615493m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.288169, -7.167307

Waterford City Council proposes to construct an 18km bypass around Waterford city, with associated link roads. The route forms part of the N25 and runs from Kilmeaden in Co. Waterford to Slieverue in Co. Kilkenny. As part of Contract 3 pre-development testing of the archaeological potential of Areas F, J and I, a series of trenches were excavated within the proposed land-take of the road. A wall was identified and later excavated by CatrĂ­ona Gleeson in Area F (No. 887, Excavations 2004, 04E0929); a pit, deposit and field boundary were identified in Area I. The remaining areas were devoid of any evidence for past human activity.

The work outlined here was undertaken at Site 47 (Area I) in the townland of Newrath, Co. Kilkenny, under an extension to licence 04E0256. The National Roads Authority through Waterford City Council administered the total archaeological cost.

Following topsoil-stripping of an area measuring 427m2, a circular pit, three irregular features, a deposit and a field boundary were identified. The pit was bowl-shaped and measured 1.5m in diameter and 0.35m in depth. It contained two distinct fills. The basal fill was loose black charcoal-rich silty clay. The clay at the base was oxidised, suggesting burning in situ. The upper fill of the pit was compact grey/brown silty clay with few charcoal flecks. This pit represented a distinct episode of burning, which may prove to be archaeologically significant, depending on the result of the charcoal analysis. The homogenous nature of the upper fill suggested a deliberate backfill of the feature rather than a gradual process of silting.

The irregular features were similar in size (average dimensions 1.25m long and 1.65m deep). Two of the features were consistent with root boles and the third contained a fragment of roof slate. The deposit filled a natural depression. The field boundary ran parallel with the existing boundary. It was cleared to allow for the N24 Waterford–Carrick-on-Suir road and railway line. No artefacts were retrieved from this site.

Unit 4b, Europa Business Park, Midleton, Co. Cork