2004:0777 - RANGUE, Kerry

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Kerry Site name: RANGUE

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 04E1435

Author: Sinclair Turrell, Archaeological Development Services Ltd.

Site type: Cairn - unclassified

Period/Dating: Undetermined

ITM: E 475476m, N 593907m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.083078, -9.816908

Monitoring of groundworks was carried out from 27 October to 1 November 2004 at Rangue, Killorglin, Co. Kerry, during the first phase of the development of a sand and gravel pit which involved the construction of an access road around the perimeter of the site. The site comprised a rectangular area of ground situated on a north-east-facing slope, with a mid-20th-century house and associated outbuildings surrounded by a garden and small fields that were separated by low stone walls. The whole site was very boggy in nature, especially at the foot of the slope, where the ground was waterlogged. The stripped area was covered by a thin layer of black, well-humified peat, typically around 0.3m deep, although in the waterlogged area this reached a maximum of 0.9m. The only feature of archaeological interest was a small, low mound of stones, of uncertain date and function, which was cordoned off from the rest of the site.

Windsor House, 11 Fairview Strand, Fairview, Dublin 3