County: Galway Site name: LISARULLA
Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 04E0810
Author: Eoghan Kieran, for Judith Carroll & Co. Archaeological Consultants
Site type: Burnt mound
Period/Dating: Prehistoric (12700 BC-AD 400)
ITM: E 539463m, N 735027m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.361976, -8.909474
Three spreads of material consistent with the remains of a burnt mound were uncovered during monitoring of topsoil-stripping associated with Lot 2 of the Bord Gáis Galway gas pipeline.
The site consisted of two features: a northeast/south-west-orientated irregularly shaped 2.9m by 2m by 0.1m spread filled with a deposit of black/brown silty charcoal-rich clay with many heat-shattered stone fragments and a 0.8m by 0.8m by 0.1m subrectangular pit. This was also filled with a black/brown silty charcoal-rich clay with many heat-shattered stone fragments. There were two flint artefacts recovered from the site, one of which is a flint scraper.
The high charcoal content and heat-shattered stones recovered from the site are consistent with those associated with fulacht fiadh sites. The recovery of the flint objects adds further credence to this interpretation. Their recovery suggests a prehistoric date for the site. The shallow depth of the deposits suggests the site was not used over a prolonged period of time.
13 Anglesea Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2