County: Galway Site name: GREENEENAGH
Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 04E1506
Author: Martin Jones, National Roads Design Office
Site type: Fulacht fia
Period/Dating: Prehistoric (12700 BC-AD 400)
ITM: E 563409m, N 717387m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.205658, -8.547714
Full excavation of a previously unknown burnt mound and adjacent features was carried out in the townland of Greeneenagh on the route of the N6 Loughrea bypass. The mound, burnt spread and isolated spread of burnt material were discovered in adjacent pasture fields in the vicinity of a small stream during centre-line testing for the road scheme by Jerry O'Sullivan (Excavations 2003, No. 738, 03E0505).
The site was fully stripped and divided into three separate areas (Area 1a, Area 1b and Area 2) for the purpose of recording during excavation. Area 1a was located at the south of the exposed portion of land, Area 1b lay towards the north of the exposed portion of land and contained the mound proper and Area 2 lay north-west of the mound and contained the spread of black loam and heat-shattered stone.
In Area 1a, a level area at the south of the site was found to contain several cut features, including a long curvilinear ditch, pits or remnant troughs and modern drains or furrows. A number of recuts or modifications to the eastern end of the drain, at least some apparently closely contemporary with the period of initial use, were noted. The final fill of the drain contained a small, somewhat corroded, copper or bronze pin. The three similar pits were located towards the centre of Area 1a. Substantial amounts of burnt material were noted amongst the fills. Modern linear drains or furrows, some cutting earlier features, were also noted.
A large mound of loam and heat-shattered stone was noted in Area 1b. This measured some 24.8m (north-south) by 12.7m and was composed of three main deposits. Two troughs were noted, one towards the north-east of the mound and the other towards the south-west. No wooden or stone linings were found, though stake-holes were noted.
Two pits or cut features of unknown function were noted during excavations within Area 1b. Both were cut into the glacial till underlying the mound. A relatively shallow linear or sub-linear V-shaped cut, its long axis running north-west to south-east, was cut into the mound material and overlying deposits.
A relatively modern stone-filled cut ran into the northern baulk and lay in line with a drystone boundary wall in the adjacent field to the north.
It was not possible to carry out excavations in Area 2 due to flooding. A small number of 1m by 1m hand-dug test-pits were inserted and sections recorded and it was agreed that this would suffice in fulfilling the requirements of the licence. The full extent of the area had been established during the earlier testing work (03E0505).
Galway County Council