2004:0595 - DUBLIN: 17 Wood Street, Dublin

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Dublin Site name: DUBLIN: 17 Wood Street

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 04E0731

Author: Helen Keogh

Site type: Well

Period/Dating: Modern (AD 1750-AD 2000)

ITM: E 715305m, N 733612m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.340166, -6.268523

Modern warehouse buildings were demolished and permission was granted to construct a six-storey 40unit apartment building over a basement carpark. Initial testing of the site did not reveal evidence for any significant archaeological deposits. The site is located to the west and outside of the Carmelite monastery that occupies the site of a White Friar monastery built in 1278.

The stratigraphy was generally homogeneous throughout the site, which measured c. 25m north-south by 44m. The general profile comprised demolition rubble (concentrated along the Wood Street frontage) over mid-brown yellow clay, over natural bluish boulder clay. Blackstone base remains of two post-medieval wells were set into the yellow clay at the east side of the site. These wells probably served the 18th-century terrace of houses known to have stood along the Wood Street frontage, with their external plots or gardens to the rear where the wells were located.

11 Norseman Place, Stoneybatter, Dublin 7