2004:0512 - DUBLIN: Morgan Hotel, 1–2 Aston Place, Dublin

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Dublin Site name: DUBLIN: Morgan Hotel, 1–2 Aston Place

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 04E1291

Author: Robert O'Hara, Archaeological Consultancy Services Ltd.

Site type: No archaeology found

Period/Dating: N/A

ITM: E 715802m, N 734259m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.345868, -6.260814

Following the demolition of the existing three-storey building at 1–2 Aston Place, Dublin 2, monitoring of pile excavation was carried out. A total of 88 piles of 500mm in diameter were excavated by a rotary bored-piling rig. Monitoring was difficult, due to the nature of the pile excavation, but each pile upcast was examined to determine whether archaeological material was present. In all cases, excavated material consisted of crushed building rubble and red-brick fragments in a gritty grey silty matrix. No archaeological finds or features were recovered.

Unit 21, Boyne Business Park, Greenhills, Drogheda, Co. Louth