2004:0502 - DONNYBROOK: Brookvale House, Dublin

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Dublin Site name: DONNYBROOK: Brookvale House

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 04E0602

Author: Stuart Halliday, Arch-Tech Ltd.

Site type: Mill - unclassified

Period/Dating: Post Medieval (AD 1600-AD 1750)

ITM: E 717793m, N 731345m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.319259, -6.232017

Testing was carried out as part of planning conditions related to a residential development. Five trenches were excavated using a mechanical excavator fitted with a toothless bucket. Two trenches were excavated across the location of the mill-race, which was still visible running across the site. The revetment walls were found to be extant on both the eastern and western sides and had been constructed using a drystone technique.

Fragments of modern china and glass and brownware pottery were retrieved from the fill of the wall and the mill-race was filled with topsoil overlying a flat base. The artefacts confirmed the post-medieval date suggested during excavation of a mill-race at Eglinton Road by Shane Delaney in 2001 (Excavations 2001, No. 351, 01E0483).

The presence of an earlier structure was suggested by the existence of a 0.5m-wide foundation trench located in the south-eastern corner of the site. No other remnants of this building were identified and the presence of modern brick and concrete in this foundation trench suggests that this feature was not of any great antiquity.

No other features or deposits of archaeological significance were identified during this programme of trial testing.

32 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2