2004:0419 - AUGHNAFOSKER, Down

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Down Site name: AUGHNAFOSKER

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: AE/04/65

Author: Tim Stevens and Ruairí Ó Baoill, Archaeological Development Services Ltd.

Site type: Cist, Kiln and Burial

Period/Dating: Multi-period

ITM: E 714626m, N 859999m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.475508, -6.231372

Evidence of Bronze Age funerary practices in the form of urned and unurned cremations and cists was found, along with many other prehistoric features such as pits and post-holes and a probable fulacht fiadh. One pit contained a polished stone axe. Most of the prehistoric activity was concentrated at the bottom of the hill slope near the scheduled monument, Pretty Mary's Fort, and may have been a precursor to that later monument. Limited evidence was also found at the top of the hill for Early Christian activity in the form of pits and a possible crude kiln. An as yet undated skeleton was also excavated. Many other features were also identified and excavated. Post-excavation work is still ongoing on this project.

Unit 48, Westlink Enterprise Centre, 30–50 Distillery Street, Belfast BT12 5BJ