2004:0306 - MALLOW: Castlelands, Cork

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Cork Site name: MALLOW: Castlelands

Sites and Monuments Record No.: CO033-012, CO033-090 and CO033-091 Licence number: 04E1204

Author: Avril Purcell, Sheila Lane & Associates

Site type: Fulacht fia and Ringfort - rath

Period/Dating: Multi-period

ITM: E 556567m, N 598394m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.135703, -8.634444

Ten test-trenches were excavated in the vicinity of these three sites to identify their extent and establish appropriate buffer zones around them in advance of proposed development. Both fulachta fiadh are ploughed out and the ringfort is within a dense grove of trees adjoining a garden. Four test-trenches were excavated around the periphery of both fulachta fiadh and these revealed burnt-mound material (burnt, shattered stone and blackened soil) mixed with topsoil. The extent of the spread of burnt-mound material comprising both sites was recorded. Two trenches were excavated in the garden, which adjoins the ringfort. No features or finds of archaeological significance were revealed in the trenches.

AE House, Monahan Road, Cork