2004:0138 - BUNRATTY: Fitzpatrick's Hotel, Clare

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Clare Site name: BUNRATTY: Fitzpatrick's Hotel

Sites and Monuments Record No.: CL062-001---* Licence number: 04E0162

Author: Frank Coyne, Aegis Archaeology Ltd.

Site type: No archaeology found

Period/Dating: N/A

ITM: E 545062m, N 661242m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.699528, -8.812812

Testing was undertaken in the grounds of Fitzpatrick's Hotel in Bunratty in advance of the proposed development of 39 holiday homes with ancillary service buildings and works. The development site is located within the zone of archaeological potential for the historic town of Bunratty. The proposed development is also adjacent to Bunratty Castle and Folk Park; the castle structure itself is a protected structure (No. 260).

Five trenches were excavated in the area of the proposed development varying between 5m and 30m in length by 1.5m wide. Nothing of archaeological significance was recovered from any of the trenches.

16 Avondale Court, Corbally, Limerick