County: Wicklow Site name: KILLINCARRIG (Site K)
Sites and Monuments Record No.: WI013-069---- Licence number: 03E1399
Author: Bernice Molloy, Margaret Gowen & Co. Ltd.
Site type: Burnt mound
Period/Dating: Prehistoric (12700 BC-AD 400)
ITM: E 729672m, N 710871m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.132580, -6.062161
This site was found during monitoring of topsoil-stripping in advance of the construction of a dual carriageway from the R671 to Greystones. The road is part of a larger residential and industrial scheme planned for the area. Fourteen sites have been excavated to date. Excavation of this site took place in October 2003.
Site K was located in a low-lying hollow at the base of a gradual west-facing slope. A natural deposit of peat partially overlay the natural subsoil. Three spreads of burnt-mound material were identified, with an associated trough and post-holes.
Spread 1 was located at the eastern extent of Site K. It measured 8.5m east-west by 6m and varied in depth between 0.05 and 0.25m. A possible hearth feature consisting of a deposit of ashy sand was excavated overlying the main deposit of burnt stone.
Spread 2 was located c. 5.5m to the north-east of Spread 1. This spread was very truncated and measured 9m east-west by 5.5m. It had a maximum depth of 0.1m.
Spread 3 was located 3m to the north of Spread 2 and was on a gradual south-facing slope. It measured 2.3m east-west by 1.8m and varied in depth between 0.04 and 0.12m. Only one deposit of burnt stone was visible in section.
A trough was located c. 2m from the western edge of Spread 3. It measured 1.7m north-south by 0.75m. It had a maximum depth of 0.14m, but much of the northern edge was ploughed away.
2 Killiney View, Albert Road Lower, Glenageary, Co. Dublin