County: Waterford Site name: BROOKSIDE, Passage East
Sites and Monuments Record No.: WA018-009 Licence number: 03E0702
Author: Stuart D. Elder
Site type: —
Period/Dating: —
ITM: E 670195m, N 610116m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.238298, -6.972248
Monitoring was undertaken at the rear of a house in Quiet Ways, Brookside, Passage East. The development of the property involved the demolition of the existing structure, with the exception of the façade, to allow for the reconstruction of the dwelling and the addition of an extension.
Passage is designated as a zone of archaeological potential and listed in the RMP as a historic town, with its roots in the development of a fortification from the mid-16th century onwards. Although accompanied by a civilian settlement at the time, there is little historical evidence of pre-16th-century Passage.
Monitoring of four foundation trenches took place on a day in June 2003. In the east-facing section of Trench 2, four sherds of late/post-medieval pottery were found, although they came from a layer heavily disturbed by a modern sewer pipe and were therefore not in situ. The truncated upper fill of a cesspit was also found immediately beneath the foundation stones of the former back (south) wall of the house during the excavation of a new foundation trench along the line of the previous one. The cess deposit was not disturbed and remains in situ. No other features or objects of archaeological significance were noted during the remainder of the work.
42 Halldene Drive, Bishopstown, Cork