2003:1910 - KNOCKHOUSE UPPER (5–7), Waterford

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Waterford Site name: KNOCKHOUSE UPPER (5–7)

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 03E0587

Author: Ian Russell, Archaeological Consultancy Services Ltd.

Site type: No archaeology found

Period/Dating: N/A

ITM: E 656204m, N 612912m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.265040, -7.176602

Knockhouse Upper 5
An area measuring 10m by 10m was cleaned by hand. A number of post-medieval stone-filled field drains were exposed at a depth of 0.24m below the sod and topsoil; they had been cut into the natural orange sandy clay. They measured an average of 0.25m in width and had been filled with a large number of round and angular stones. No archaeological features were exposed.

Knockhouse Upper 6
An area measuring 10m by 20m was cleaned by hand. A single post-medieval field drain was exposed at a depth of 0.3m below the sod and topsoil. It measured 0.22m in width and had been filled with a light-brown clay containing frequent angular stones. No archaeological features were exposed.

Knockhouse Upper 7
An area measuring 40m by 20m was cleaned by hand. The sod and topsoil measured 0.2m in depth and lay above the natural orange-coloured sandy clay. No archaeological features were exposed.

Unit 21, Boyne Business Park, Greenhills, Drogheda, Co. Louth