2003:1832 - WINDMILL (Site 33), Tipperary

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Tipperary Site name: WINDMILL (Site 33)

Sites and Monuments Record No.: TS061-073---- Licence number: 03E0398

Author: Neil Fairburn, for Judith Carroll Network Archaeology Ltd.

Site type: Leper hospital

Period/Dating: Medieval (AD 400-AD 1600)

ITM: E 607336m, N 639108m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.503318, -7.891935

Phase 2 excavation was carried out at Site 33 on behalf of South Tipperary County Council in advance of construction of the N8 Cashel Bypass and N74 Link Road. The scheme involves a 6km bypass route of the town and a 2km link road of the N74.

Site 33, c. 1km south of the town of Cashel, is situated on the north-eastern slope of Windmill Hill and c. 75m west of the main Cashel-Cork road, the N8. The site is near the Windmill ringfort (SMR 61:72) and the site of the medieval leper hospital (SMR 61:73), both of which lie c. 50m to the south of Site 33. Site 33 had been tested during Phase 1 pre-construction works carried out by Mary Henry Archaeological Services Ltd in 2002. A single feature of archaeological potential was identified during this phase of works.

The Phase 2 stripping and resolution of this area was undertaken to examine a pit, as well as the immediate surrounding area. The original pit was not rediscovered. However, two other features were discovered, a linear trench and a U-shaped trench which intersected, forming an E shape of a possible structure. A few pieces of possible daub were recovered from the two features.

Cocyn Uchaf, Moelfre, Anglesey, Wales