2003:1721 - CASHEL: Chapel Lane, Tipperary

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Tipperary Site name: CASHEL: Chapel Lane

Sites and Monuments Record No.: TS061-025---- Licence number: 02E1802

Author: Colm Moloney, Headland Archaeology Ltd.

Site type: Structure, Watercourse and Building

Period/Dating: Multi-period

ITM: E 607623m, N 640604m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.516757, -7.887675

Testing was undertaken in advance of the drilling of piles and the excavation of pile caps for the construction of a row of townhouses at Chapel Lane, Cashel, in response to earlier testing by Dave Pollock (Excavations 2002, No. 1708) and recommendations resulting from that work.

Three trenches were excavated down to the proposed level of disturbance revealing a thick layer of modern hardcore. At each of the pile locations a sondage was excavated through the hardcore to a depth of 1.5m. Archaeological features consisted of a stone wall at the north end of Trench 3 which may have formed part of a post-medieval building. A disturbed culvert of probable 18th/19th-century date was identified at the north end of Trench 2. A tile floor and disturbed flagstone surface were identified at the centre of Trench 1 and these are again likely to date to the 18th or 19th century. All of these features overlay a thick layer of black clay loam which contained pottery of probable 17th-century date and which was not bottomed.

Unit 4b, Europa Enterprise Park, Midleton, Co. Cork