2003:1718 - CARROWNREDDY, Tipperary

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Tipperary Site name: CARROWNREDDY

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 03E1587

Author: John Tierney, Eachtra Archaeological Projects

Site type: Hearth

Period/Dating: Undetermined

ITM: E 589000m, N 636162m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.476774, -8.161911

Planning permission was granted for the construction of a large housing estate and associated buildings at Carrownreddy, Tipperary, with a condition of testing. Trench 5 was located 15m to the east of an enclosure (SMR 67:3) in the north-western corner of the site. The trench measured 30m (east-west) by 2m by c. 0.5m deep. One feature of an archaeological nature was uncovered. To assess the extent of this feature, an offshoot trench was opened. This measured 8m (north-south) by 2m. The feature comprised three contexts, including charcoal and small angular pebbles and stones within a black ashy layer, and is interpreted as a hearth. This was the only archaeological feature identified in the course of the testing. The location of a hearth within 15m of a natural lake is not unexpected and may be the remains of a temporary hunting camp, for example. However, as the widened trench uncovered no further archaeological remains, the risk of encountering significant archaeological remains in the area is lessened.

Ballycurreen Industrial Estate, Kinsale Road, Cork