2003:1623 - CARRICKNAGAT, Sligo

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Sligo Site name: CARRICKNAGAT

Sites and Monuments Record No.: SMR 20:200 Licence number: 03E0227

Author: Christopher Read, North West Archaeological Services Ltd.

Site type: No archaeology found

Period/Dating: N/A

ITM: E 573614m, N 826662m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.188221, -8.404272

The proposed development at Carricknagat, to consist of a house, garage, access and septic tank/percolation area, is located outside of Colloney on the Ballisadare road. Monitoring of excavation works was carried out on 20 February 2003. The site is near an earthworks site in the adjacent field to the north. All excavation works were carried out by machine. There was no evidence of any archaeological activity on the site.

Cloonfad Cottage, Cloonfad, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim