2003:1576 - GORTEENACAMMADILL, Roscommon

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Roscommon Site name: GORTEENACAMMADILL

Sites and Monuments Record No.: SMR 32:30 Licence number: 03E0521

Author: Christopher Read, North West Archaeological Services Ltd.

Site type: No archaeology found

Period/Dating: N/A

ITM: E 550650m, N 772348m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.698500, -8.747317

The proposed development, to consist of a house, access, septic tank and percolation area, is located outside the village of Cloonfad near Ballyhaunis in Co. Roscommon. It is near a ringfort. A portion of the ringfort is located in the same field as the proposed development, although a 25m buffer zone will be maintained between the edge of the monument and the extent of the development. Testing was carried out on 11 April 2003. Four trenches measuring 10m by 1m were excavated across the site to a depth of 0.3–0.4m. The results clearly indicate there is no evidence of archaeological activity on the site.

Cloonfad Cottage, Cloonfad, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim