2003:1506 - ROOSKY: North Road, Monaghan

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Monaghan Site name: ROOSKY: North Road

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 03E0366

Author: Eoin Halpin, Archaeological Development Services

Site type: Excavation - miscellaneous

Period/Dating: Modern (AD 1750-AD 2000)

ITM: E 667436m, N 834105m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.251337, -6.965172

An impact assessment was undertaken in March 2003 on the site of a proposed development at North Road, Monaghan. A series of trenches was machine excavated. The entire area had been scraped down to undisturbed natural in advance of the construction of the railway depot, which was in use until the middle of the 20th century. Some slight vestiges of railway sleepers were uncovered resting directly on the gravel subsoil along the northern and central parts of the site, but apart from this nothing of archaeological significance was noted.

Westlink Enterprise Centre, 30–50 Distillery Street, Belfast BT12 5BJ