2003:1473 - TRIM: 38–39 Loman Street, Meath

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Meath Site name: TRIM: 38–39 Loman Street

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 03E1391

Author: Carmel Duffy

Site type: Excavation - miscellaneous

Period/Dating: Multi-period

ITM: E 680233m, N 757421m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.560563, -6.788944

Testing was carried out prior to the commencement of development of the site, which lies within the area of potential of Trim. Three trenches were excavated.

Trench 1, to the rear of 39 Loman Street, was 10m by 2m. It contained a pit with modern refuse in its north-west corner. In the centre of the trench was a deposit which contained clay pipe, animal bone and early modern crock. Below this was a brown clay matrix which contained small stones, shell, animal bone, charcoal and a sherd of medieval pottery. Testing ceased at this level.

Trench 2 measured 8m by 2m, was located further north and ran up a small mound c. 12m east-west by 8m. The mound is faced with limestone masonry on its southern side. In the south-western corner of the trench was F1, 1.1m across, 1.4m deep, with a gentle U-shaped profile, extending c. 0.7m out into the trench. The fill was a dark-brown silty clay with moderate occurrence of stones, 0.05–0.1m across, which contained animal bone, charcoal and modern and medieval pottery. The centre of the trench comprised topsoil and natural subsoil. The remainder of the trench did not reveal material of an archaeological nature.

Trench 3 was located further north again, on No. 1 Sarsfield Avenue. It measured 10.5m by 2m. At the eastern end of the trench, adjacent to the street, there were various modern concrete deposits and a sewer. From 6.5 to 9.5m from the eastern end of the trench there was part of a wall, consisting of fairly substantial limestones up to 0.25m long, with no apparent mortar. A 2m stretch on the eastern end was definite, and a further 1m stretch going eastwards from this consisted of loose stone. The level of the top of the wall was 55.95 OD, and this was c. 1m below ground level. No datable material was associated with it.

Umberstown Great, Summerhill, Co. Meath