2003:1313 - CASTLENAGEESHA, Mayo

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Mayo Site name: CASTLENAGEESHA

Sites and Monuments Record No.: MA015-076001 and MA015-076002 Licence number: 2003:19 (Museum Registration Number)

Author: Mary Cahill and Maeve Sikora, National Museum of Ireland

Site type: Burial

Period/Dating: Undetermined

ITM: E 520868m, N 835005m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.257754, -9.214479

Human bone was noticed eroding out of a cliff face on the southern end of Trabaun beach. A minimum of one burial was discovered. The human remains were located 0.36–0.54m below sod level in a very low cliff which was being actively eroded. Human bone was visible in an area measuring 1.06m across, but it had been completely disturbed by the time of investigation. No stones or slabs were found in the vicinity of the burial, suggesting that this was an unprotected interment. A corroded iron object was apparently found among the bones, but, as this was removed prior to excavation, its relationship with the burial is not clear. A second deposit of human remains, possibly from the same burial, was found approximately 4m south-east of the main deposit of bone. This consisted of a number of foot bones and part of a pelvic bone, whose condition suggested that they had been exposed for some time. The remains lay on a sandy ledge at a depth of 0.84m below grass level. This rescue excavation was conducted by the National Museum of Ireland under section 16 of the National Monuments (Amendment) Act, 1954. The remains have been registered as 2003:19.

Kildare Street, Dublin 2