2003:2345 - TULLA BEG, Kerry

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Kerry Site name: TULLA BEG

Sites and Monuments Record No.: KE004-007 Licence number: 03E0932

Author: Frank Coyne, Aegis Archaeology Ltd.

Site type: Ringfort - rath

Period/Dating: Early Medieval (AD 400-AD 1099)

ITM: E 488544m, N 644709m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.542302, -9.643157

Two ringforts, SMR 4:7, known as ‘Lisglass’, and SMR 4:8, known as ‘Lisroe’, bound the site at Tulla Beg, Ballybunion. Seven trenches were excavated by machine. Five were opened in the vicinity of Lisroe. These revealed the ditch of the ringfort and an outer possible palisade trench. Two trenches were opened in the area of Lisglass uncovering a broad shallow ditch encircling the site and a possible berm between the bank and ditch. No previously unrecorded archaeological sites were identified in the archaeological walkover and assessment of the entire site.

16 Avondale Court, Corbally, Limerick