2003:2343 - TRALEE: 117–118 Rock Street, Kerry

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Kerry Site name: TRALEE: 117–118 Rock Street

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 03E0501

Author: Laurence Dunne, Eachtra Archaeological Projects

Site type: Structure

Period/Dating: Modern (AD 1750-AD 2000)

ITM: E 483505m, N 614763m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.272203, -9.706990

Test excavations were carried out at 117–118 Rock Street, Tralee, in advance of the construction of an extension to the existing buildings. Rock Street is located in the north-west quadrant of medieval Tralee and is within the zone of archaeological potential for the town (SMR29–119).

Four cuttings were opened at the site. Trench 1 was located in the rear garden of the site and Trenches 2–4 were located within the fabric of the extant buildings. In Trench 1 the topsoil was excavated to reveal a dark brownish-black layer with inclusions of red brick and ash cinder. Underlying this was a greenish-brown silty layer measuring 0.45m deep, which was most likely the result of flooding. The natural clay subsoil was encountered at a depth of 1.4m. Three modern pits containing glass and construction debris were recorded in this trench. Concrete flooring, construction debris, a mottled darkorange/ black layer with occasional red bricks and a black silt layer were removed from Trenches 2–4. A 19th-century cobbled surface with associated wall was noted in the eastern side of Trench 2 at a depth of 0.24m. The remains of a north–south-oriented limestone wall were uncovered in the eastern side of Trench 4. The wall was constructed of limestone and occasional red brick, bonded with a pink lime mortar. It appeared to have originally formed part of the present 19th-century structure.

3 Canal Place, Tralee