2003:2341 - TRALEE: Tesco Lower CarPark, Princess Street, Kerry

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Kerry Site name: TRALEE: Tesco Lower CarPark, Princess Street

Sites and Monuments Record No.: KE029-119 Licence number: 03E1549

Author: Laurence Dunne, Eachtra Archaeological Projects

Site type: Structure

Period/Dating: Modern (AD 1750-AD 2000)

ITM: E 484009m, N 615007m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.274502, -9.699692

Test excavations were undertaken in the lower Tesco carpark, off Princess Street, Tralee, in advance of the construction of a multi-storey development complex with basement car-parking. The proposed development site is located within the zone of archaeological potential for the original port area of the medieval town of Tralee.

The site had been severely scarped out in the 1970s when the carpark was originally built. Furthermore, redirection of the Gyle River and the construction of a sewerage pipe and other services had also greatly impacted on the archaeological potential of the proposed site.

Five trenches were excavated in the area of the development. Modern rubble overlying a black silt organic material was recorded in all the trenches. The organic material was artefactually dated to the postmedieval and early modern period. The natural silty clay subsoil was recorded in all the trenches. A section of a 19th-century wall associated with St Dominick’s Mill was recorded in one of the cuttings.

3 Canal Place, Tralee, Co. Kerry