County: Dublin Site name: LUSK: Chapel Farm Development, Dublin Road
Sites and Monuments Record No.: DU008-010---- Licence number: 03E1251 ext.
Author: Holger Schweitzer, for Arch-Tech. Ltd.
Site type: No archaeology found
Period/Dating: N/A
ITM: E 721187m, N 753274m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.515457, -6.172684
The site is located to the south-west of Lusk village, immediately outside the zone of potential for the medieval town. The residential development at this site has been carried out in phases. This note describes the preliminary results of a sixth programme of monitoring within the area. Two separate areas were subject to topsoil-stripping and monitoring. Both fields had been under cultivation prior to topsoil-stripping. Deep ploughing had taken place, disturbing the ground down to the subsoil horizon. The topsoil (0.3–0.45m deep) in both areas consisted of mid-brown silty clay with occasional small to medium stones. The subsoil consisted of a compact yellow-brown clayey silt with frequent grey streaks cutting through where the ground was deeply ploughed.
Area 1 was at the south-western edge of the development area and measured 128m by 45m. Monitoring in this area took place from 29 October to 4 November 2003. No finds or features were encountered within it. Area 2 is located central to the southern edge of the development, near the west of the field, which was monitored during Phase 5 of the monitoring (No. 636, Excavations 2003). Topsoil-stripping here was carried out in November/December 2003 but was abandoned due to the wet weather conditions. It will be resumed early in 2004. Prior to the topsoilstripping,
Area 2 had been heavily disturbed by machinery. Wheel and tyre tracks disturbed the ground in many places down to the subsoil horizon. One fragment of late medieval stoneware pottery was recovered from the topsoil in the north-east corner of the monitored area. No other finds or features were encountered.
32 FitzWilliam Place, Dublin 2