County: Dublin Site name: LUSK: Chapel Farm Development
Sites and Monuments Record No.: DU008-010---- Licence number: 03E1251
Author: Angela Wallace, for Arch-Tech Ltd.
Site type: No archaeology found
Period/Dating: N/A
ITM: E 721381m, N 754130m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.523101, -6.169429
The site is located to the south-west of Lusk village, immediately outside the zone of potential for the medieval town. The residential development at this site has been carried out in phases. This note describes the results of a fifth programme of monitoring within the development area. The area monitored measured c. 65m east–west by c. 65m. Soil-stripping was carried out by a single machine with a toothless or ‘grading’ bucket.
The field had been under cultivation prior to topsoil-stripping. Deep ploughing had taken place within this area and the ground was very disturbed down to the subsoil horizon. Mounding of large quantities of topsoil on this area had also caused a lot of disturbance and it was difficult to establish where the original sod line was located.
Topsoil consisted of mid-brown silty clay with occasional inclusions of small to medium stones. It ranged in depth from 0.25 to 0.45m. The subsoil consisted of a compact yellow-brown clayey silt with frequent grey streaks cutting through it where the ground was deeply ploughed. Two fragments of possible medieval pottery were recovered from the topsoil in the north-east corner. A lot of modern disturbance was evident in the north-west corner, where two pits with modern rubbish and a modern drain were exposed. No archaeological features were exposed.
32 FitzWilliam Place