Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 02E1808 ext.
Author: Red Tobin, Margaret Gowan & Co. Ltd.
Site type: Pit, Burnt mound, Industrial site and Kiln - lime
Period/Dating: Multi-period
ITM: E 705016m, N 729547m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.305785, -6.424308
The work involved the monitoring of the remaining topsoil-stripping for the construction of the South County Dublin Outer Ring Road. Some prehistoric activity was recorded, in the form of a pit filled with classic burnt-mound firing material (Site 7: 305015 229718); another spread of firing material was exposed in profile on the edge of the road-take (Site 6: 305047 229864). This feature was preserved in situ, as impact on it would be minimal. Extensive ‘brickfield’ deposits were encountered at 305010 230045 and at 305050 230024. These brickfields appear to be the truncated remains of brick clamps used for construction work locally, as against being shipped by canal to Dublin centre. The proximity to Corkagh House would suggest that a large quantity of brick was used in the construction of the house and demesne. This period of monitoring also involved the recording of an industrial limekiln located on the Corkagh Demesne, adjacent to the N7. The kiln had been previously damaged during the widening of the N7. The crossing of the N7 at Kingswood/Baldonnel Lower required the removal of this kiln. The kiln displayed structural evidence for four charge shafts and draw holes. Nineteenth-century maps site this kiln in a limestone quarry.
2 Kiliney View, Albert Road Lower, Co. Dublin