County: Cork Site name: MONDANIEL (1)
Sites and Monuments Record No.: CO044-088---- Licence number: 03E0981
Author: Eamonn Cotter, for Archaeological Consultancy Services Ltd.
Site type: Charcoal-making site
Period/Dating: Late Medieval (AD 1100-AD 1599)
ITM: E 579990m, N 593146m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.089875, -8.291991
Testing in this area was carried out in 2002 by Donald Murphy, on behalf of Cork County Council, in advance of construction of the route of the proposed N8 Rathcormac–Fermoy Bypass Scheme (Excavations 2002, No. 346, 02E0713–02E0720). A number of possible hearths were identified and full excavation was carried out in July 2003.
Three circular pits were uncovered, one measuring 1m in diameter and 0.1m deep, one measuring 1.17m by 1.79m and 0.1m deep, and the third measuring 1m by 1.28m and 0.05m deep. All showed evidence of intense burning and the fills included layers of charcoal. All are believed to have been charcoal production pits. Charcoal samples were retained and radiocarbon dates are pending.
Full funding for this work was provided by the National Development Plan and was awarded through the National Roads Authority.
Unit 21, Boyne Business Park, Greenhills, Drogheda, Co. Louth