County: Cork Site name: MAULANE EAST 1
Sites and Monuments Record No.: CO044-087---- Licence number: 03E1286
Author: Aidan O’Connell, Archaeological Consultancy Services Ltd.
Site type: Excavation - miscellaneous
Period/Dating: Undetermined
ITM: E 579114m, N 590207m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.063422, -8.304591
Testing was carried out in advance of construction along the route of the proposed N8 Rathcormac–Fermoy Bypass on behalf of Cork County Council in 2002. During this phase of centre-line testing, a series of features of archaeological potential was identified at Maulane East. The site was subsequently designated Maulane East 1 and was excavated over a period of eleven days in August and September 2003.
The site covered an area of approximately 4200m2 and consisted of nineteen pits, eight post-holes, six stake-holes and a range of cultivation furrows and post-medieval field boundaries. These features were mainly dispersed throughout the area of excavation. There was no apparent pattern to the post- and stake-holes, many of which were recorded in isolation. It was therefore not possible to identify any structures within the excavated area. There was, however, one discrete area of activity at the site. This was located towards the south, where a concentration of twelve small pits containing heat-shattered stone was recorded. The pits had average dimensions of 0.3m diameter by 0.3m deep. Three pieces of metal slag were excavated from one of these pits.
The work was funded in full by the National Development Plan 2000–2006 and was awarded by the National Roads Authority.
Unit 21, Boyne Business Park, Greenhills, Drogheda, Co. Louth