2003:0307 - MALLOW: St Joseph’s Road, Spaglen, Cork

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Cork Site name: MALLOW: St Joseph’s Road, Spaglen

Sites and Monuments Record No.: CO033-007003- Licence number: 03E0720

Author: Sheila Lane

Site type: No archaeology found

Period/Dating: N/A

ITM: E 556968m, N 599068m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.141795, -8.628673

A Grant of Planning was issued for the development of a dwelling-house and associated works at Grove House, Castle Grove, Mallow, Co. Cork. The development lies just inside the zone of archaeological potential for a holy well, so monitoring was required. The site slopes slightly downhill from east to west. According to local information, the site was originally much lower and has been backfilled over the years with builders’ rubble. Four test-trenches were excavated on the line of the four main walls of the house to investigate subsurface conditions. Rubble to a depth of 2.3m was noted in some of the trenches. At the higher end of the site topsoil was dug to a depth of 0.5m, where natural boulder clay was found. No finds or features of an archaeological nature were noted in the trenches or during monitoring of the remainder of the development.

AE House, Monahan Road, Cork