2003:0209 - COOLVALLANANE BEG, Cork

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Cork Site name: COOLVALLANANE BEG

Sites and Monuments Record No.: CO111-043002- Licence number: 03E0551

Author: Miriam Carroll, Archaeological Services Unit, University College Cork

Site type: Fulacht fia

Period/Dating: Undetermined

ITM: E 562684m, N 553027m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 51.728357, -8.540183

Test excavations were carried out adjacent to the site of a fulacht fiadh in advance of the construction of a house at Coolvallanane Beg, Kinsale. Testing revealed the presence of a levelled fulacht fiadh in the area of the proposed driveway. The remains consisted of a shallow deposit of burnt-mound material which measured 10.2m in length. It measured c. 4m in width but was not fully exposed. No further finds or features were uncovered in the proposed house site. The fulacht fiadh was preserved in situ. The mound material was covered with Terram and subsequently with a layer of hardcore. Monitoring of topsoil removal over the remainder of the house site was undertaken and no finds or features were uncovered.