County: Cavan Site name: CAVAN: Bullock Lane
Sites and Monuments Record No.: CV020-055---- Licence number: 03E1842
Author: David J. O’Connor, CRDS Ltd.
Site type: No archaeology found
Period/Dating: N/A
ITM: E 641777m, N 804782m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.990605, -7.362941
Pre-development testing was carried out in December 2003 at the site of the proposed development of apartments at the rear of 65–71 Main Street and Bullock Lane, Cavan. Excavation of five trenches was by mechanical digger fitted with a 1.5m toothless ditching bucket, located at various places across the site. Nothing of archaeological interest was found in any of the trenches.
Unit 4 Dundrum Business Park, Dublin 14