2001:1057 - SHEEPHOUSE: Site 3, Meath

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Meath Site name: SHEEPHOUSE: Site 3

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 00E0811

Author: Dermot Nelis, IAC Ltd.

Site type: Excavation - miscellaneous

Period/Dating: Prehistoric (12700 BC-AD 400)

ITM: E 705079m, N 774311m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.707905, -6.408358

Site 3, Sheephouse, was found during test-trenching carried out along the route of the Northern Motorway, Gormanston–Monasterboice, Contract 7. It lay on a gradual slope running from north to south. The south-west corner of the site was on slightly higher ground. The excavation lasted for eight months, with the excavated area measuring approximately 110m north–south by 50m. Prior to excavation the site was agricultural land. Apart from a haul-road for construction traffic, which defined the site’s eastern boundary, the surrounding area was predominantly agricultural.

A pre-development monitoring brief was undertaken by V.J. Keeley Ltd during October 2000. During the initial mechanical removal of topsoil a circular ditch approximately 35m in diameter was noted. As a result of the initial findings, and in consultation with Dúchas and the National Museum of Ireland, it was agreed that an excavation would be required to offset adverse impacts on the archaeological resource by the permitted development. During later monitoring by IAC Ltd around the periphery of the aforementioned feature, a number of ditch and pit features were also recorded.

The earliest recorded activity on Site 3 was represented by a narrow ditch, 0.12m deep, 0.45–0.2m wide and 77.35m long. The break of slope at the top was sharp. The sides were moderately steep with an imperceptible break of slope at the base. It was orientated south-west/north-east, running diagonally across the site. It was filled with a sandy silty loam with occasional flecks of charcoal.

A pit truncated the above feature 2.8m from its northern end. This pit was subcircular in plan with a gradual break of slope at the top and gently sloping sides. The bottom was concave with an imperceptible break of slope at the base. It was 1.58m long, 1.24m wide and 0.4m deep, and was orientated north-east/south-west.

The main feature recorded was a large circular ditch towards the centre of Site 3. It measured 35.5m east–west by 32.1m. A gap in the earthwork faced directly east and measured 4.5m in length; this appeared to be the main entrance to the ditch interior.

Finds recovered from fill layers included a flint thumb scraper, large quantities of flint débitage, nineteen pieces of worked chert (some pieces showing burning), and two pottery sherds of very coarse ware (late Bronze Age in design).

A large number of cuts, pits, post-holes and cremation pits were also recorded within the area of excavation, both internal and external to the main ditch.

A number of modern field drains truncated the archaeological layers.

Detailed post-excavation analysis of this site is ongoing. The project was funded by Meath County Council.

8 Dungar Terrace, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin