County: Meath Site name: LISDORNAN 2
Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 01E0389
Author: Ian Russell, Archaeological Consultancy Services Ltd.
Site type: Pit
Period/Dating: Undetermined
ITM: E 712495m, N 767777m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.647664, -6.298443
The site was exposed in the townland of Lisdornan, between the Lisdornan Road and the Dardistown Road at chainage 15600, during monitoring of topsoil-stripping carried out by Marcus Casey during groundworks associated with the construction of Contract 7 of the Northern Motorway Road Project (01E0090).
A single small circular pit, cut into the compact orange boulder clay, was exposed in the centre of the site. It measured 0.35m in length, 0.33m in width and extended to a depth of 0.06m. The gradually sloped sides became more vertical towards the east and extended to a flat base. It had been filled with a loose grey–black silty clay containing occasional fragments of charcoal and cremated bone. No further archaeological features or deposits were exposed and no finds were recovered. It does not indicate the former presence of a large site within the motorway corridor, but more likely suggests the presence of a potential site outside the motorway corridor in the adjacent field to the south, possibly a settlement, or more likely a fulacht fiadh.
15 Trinity Street, Drogheda, Co. Louth