County: Meath Site name: KILSHARVAN 18, Kilsharvan
Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 01E0193
Author: Ian Russell, Archaeological Consultancy Services Ltd.
Site type: Pit
Period/Dating: Undetermined
ITM: E 670045m, N 809855m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.673397, -6.350355
The site was exposed at chainage 19160, in the centre of the proposed motorway in the townland of Kilsharvan, during monitoring of topsoil-stripping carried out during groundworks associated with the construction of Contract 7 of the Northern Motorway Project. The site was identified as a deposit of charcoal-rich soil and two possible post-holes.
One pit and two possible pits/post-holes were exposed. The suboval pit measured 0.6m in diameter to a depth of 0.18m and had been filled with a mid-grey-brown sandy clay. The two possible pits/post-holes were exposed a short distance to the south-east of the oval pit. The first was suboval in plan and measured 0.33m in diameter to a depth of 0.2m and had been filled with a grey-brown sandy clay. The second was also oval in plan and measured 0.24m in diameter to a depth of 0.08m and had been filled with a compact brown sandy clay.
The features exposed on site may represent the remains of a possible structure. However, no additional post- or stake-holes were identified or exposed and no material that may suggest domestic activity, such as finds or bone, were recovered. It is possible that the exposed features may represent outlying pits from a potential site to the north-east outside the motorway corridor.
15 Trinity Street, Drogheda, Co. Louth