2001:133 - CARRIGLEAGH, Cork

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Cork Site name: CARRIGLEAGH

Sites and Monuments Record No.: RMP 18:1 Licence number: 01E0050

Author: Mary G. O’Donnell, Archaeological Services Unit, Department of Archaeology, University College Cork

Site type: Linear earthwork

Period/Dating: Iron Age (800 BC-AD 339)

ITM: E 568941m, N 607179m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 52.215501, -8.454496

The site of a single house development is adjacent to a section of the linear earthwork known as the Claidh Dubh in Carrigleagh townland, Co. Cork. The Claidh Dubh is the best-known linear earthwork in Munster, with three widely spaced sections, the longest of which is located west of Glanworth, Co. Cork. The line of this part of the Claidh Dubh or ‘Black Ditch’ was described by Canon Power in 1932 and was later traced and described as part of the Discovery Programme Ballyhoura Hills Project. Part of the Claidh Dubh at Castleblagh, Co. Cork, was also excavated as part of that Project, and dating evidence revealed that, in this area, it had been built before AD 100, indicating that it may be of the same general date as the Black Pig’s Dyke and other similar earthworks elsewhere in the country.

In general the Claidh Dubh is not an impressive earthwork and is often indistinguishable from ordinary field boundaries. This is the case with the section of the earthwork in the area of the site at Carrigleagh.

A test excavation was undertaken in January 2001. Only one potential archaeological feature, a small ditch, was uncovered during the testing, but as this would not be affected by the development it was not excavated. The removal of topsoil and other ground disturbance was monitored in April 2001 and no archaeological finds or features were uncovered.