NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Cork Site name: CARRIGALINE MIDDLE

Sites and Monuments Record No.: SMR 87:30, 87:89 Licence number: 01E1148

Author: Rory Sherlock, Sheila Lane and Associates

Site type: Ringfort - rath, Hearth, Cremated remains and Enclosure

Period/Dating: Multi-period

ITM: E 573220m, N 563785m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 51.825664, -8.388499

Pre-development testing was carried out at this site in December 2001. The ringfort and associated possible souterrain were to be preserved in an area of open space within a proposed large housing development, and testing took place outside this area in order to determine whether archaeological remains outside the perimeter of the ringfort would be affected by the development. A geophysical survey of the area had identified a number of strong anomalies of potential archaeological significance and these were also targeted in the test-trenching.

Eleven 2m-wide trenches were excavated. The features uncovered included a number of pits, a hearth, a number of possible cremation burials, a portion of the ringfort ditch which extended beyond the limits of the area of open space, and a portion of an earlier ditch which was apparently truncated by the ditch of the ringfort. It is anticipated that these features will be excavated in 2002.

AE House, Monahan Road, Cork