County: Meath Site name: PLATIN
Sites and Monuments Record No.: SMR 20:14 (adjacent to) Licence number: 00E0822
Author: Rob Lynch, Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd.
Site type: Habitation site
Period/Dating: Early Medieval (AD 400-AD 1099)
ITM: E 706062m, N 771728m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.684500, -6.394362
This site, located along the Duleek Road 3km west of Drogheda, occurs along the route of the M1 Northern Motorway, Contract 7, and was first identified during test-trenching in September 2000. Excavation commenced in an area measuring 30m north–south x 50m in November 2000.
Although work is still ongoing, results to date indicate the remains of two successive circular structures c. 10m in diameter. Foundation trenches of the later structure have yielded glass beads, crucible fragments, tuyère fragments and iron objects.
This assemblage was reflected in the fills of two roughly parallel gullies c. 15m east of the structures. One of these gullies contained evidence for in situ burning and iron slag. These gullies may have formed the industrial centre associated with the adjacent occupation site. Excavation should be completed by March 2001.
8 Dungar Terrace, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin