County: Mayo Site name: DOORATH
Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 00E0280
Author: Richard Crumlish, Archaeological Services Unit Ltd.
Site type: No archaeology found
Period/Dating: N/A
ITM: E 527313m, N 759710m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.582232, -9.097691
This work was carried out on 29 April 2000 and involved the test excavation of a site in advance of development, at Doorath, Kilmaine, Co. Mayo. The site is located within the constraint of a recorded monument (RMR 122:4), a ringfort. The development consisted of the construction of a dwelling-house and septic tank.
Four trial-trenches were excavated by machine. Trench A was 16.1m x 1.5–1.7m and 0.55–0.7m deep. Trench B was 15.3m x 1.6–1.7m and 0.65–1m deep. Trench C was 30.2m x 1.5–1.8m and 0.7–0.9m deep. Trench D was 10.1m x 1.5–1.7m and 0.75–1m deep.
The stratigraphy in all trenches consisted of topsoil, 0.15–0.35m thick, below which was orange/ brown natural subsoil, 0.1–0.6m thick. Below the natural subsoil was grey boulder clay, as high as 0.3m below the surface.
One modern pottery sherd was recovered from the topsoil in Trench B. The testing revealed natural, undisturbed stratigraphy, i.e. nothing of archaeological significance.
Purcell House, Oranmore, Co. Galway