NMI Burial Excavation Records


Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 99E0347

Author: Richard Crumlish, Archaeological Services Unit Ltd.

Site type: Excavation - miscellaneous

Period/Dating: Modern (AD 1750-AD 2000)

ITM: E 568253m, N 841551m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.321697, -8.487986

Monitoring was carried out on this development, which consisted of a traffic-calming and village enhancement project on the N15, at Drumcliff village in County Sligo, between 15 July and 7 October 1999. The works carried out were all along the main road, which passes through the constraint of two monuments, SMR 8:72 (bridge site) and 8:84 (ecclesiastical remains).

The traffic-calming works consisted of the installation of 50mm ducting (for electricity to supply proposed lighting columns) along two sections 407m and 263m long; the installation of 26 lighting columns; the laying of kerbing; the laying of surface drains along a 170m length; the installation of fifteen traffic signs; the construction of a coach park along the south-east side of the existing graveyard; the installation of telecom ducting between the bridge and the local post office; the installation of a sewerage pipe within the road just north of the Yeats Tavern premises; and the excavation of eleven trial holes to assess the subsurface deposits along a section of the route of the 50mm ducting. The village enhancement works consisted of the construction of three gateways and three new walls.

With all works being carried out alongside or within the existing road, the stratigraphy consisted of topsoil, the tarred road, redeposited subsoil, road-fill, existing concrete pipes and plastic ducting, backfill including hardcore/gravel, natural subsoil, boulder clay and bedrock. Most of this stratigraphy was disturbed and/or redeposited. Only modern artefacts were recovered.

Purcell House, Oranmore, Co. Galway