1996:265 - COMMONS, Louth

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Louth Site name: COMMONS

Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: 96E0143

Author: Patricia Lynch, for project director Valerie J. Keeley Ltd.

Site type: No archaeology found

Period/Dating: N/A

ITM: E 704428m, N 799912m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 53.937999, -6.409523

In the course of soil-stripping at the entrance to a site office and compound for the Dundalk/Dunleer Motorway Bypass construction at Commons townland, a site of archaeological potential was discovered. It was tentatively identified as a possible fulacht fiadh owing to the presence of areas of burnt stone, burnt earth and charcoal. The site measured 11m x 7m and three features were identified.

Feature 1 consisted of three layers. Layer 2, which consisted of a spread of charcoal, burnt peat and burnt stone, measured 3.5m x 2.7m. It was 1–10mm deep and was cut by Feature 2 on the west. Upon removal, large areas of burnt peat and burnt tree roots were found. The density of the burning and charcoal here suggest an area where a tree burnt down.

Layer 3 slightly overlay Layer 2 and consisted of stones which were burnt and cracked. The layer measured up to 1m deep and was naturally wet and boggy. The proximity of this layer to Features 2 and 3 and the wet area suggests that the stones had been used to stabilise the ground.

Layer 1 was the natural subsoil, marl with charcoal inclusions, which were present as a result of the burning of Layer 2.

Features 2 and 3 were linear features which were considered as modern field boundaries. They were cut into the natural marl and contained modern ceramics and wooden posts.

While the features found were indicative of a fulacht fiadh, upon excavation the burnt material was considered not to be of archaeological significance.

'San Mateo', Lispopple, Swords, Co. Dublin