County: Derry Site name: COLERAINE: No. 2 Stone Row
Sites and Monuments Record No.: N/A Licence number: —
Author: A. Gahan, c/o Historic Monuments, DoE (NI)
Site type: Historic town
Period/Dating: Multi-period
ITM: E 684733m, N 932283m
Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 55.130661, -6.671314
An uncellared part of a large cleared site near the centre of Coleraine became available for excavation in advance of redevelopment. The earliest feature recognised was a shallow gully containing sherds of souterrain ware. A number of other features were dated to the medieval period by the presence of locally made pottery and some Saintonge ware.
Four tanning pits and associated features dated from the 17th and 18th centuries. Finds of this period included pottery, clay pipes, horn cores and a large timber beam, perhaps from a 17th-century house. A large rubbish pit produced quantities of 17th-and 18th-century pottery (English, French and Dutch), as well as animal bones and wine bottles. Similar finds came from another pit filled with boulders.
5-33 Hill St., Belfast BT1 2LA