1991:002 - BALLYGALLEY, Antrim

NMI Burial Excavation Records

County: Antrim Site name: BALLYGALLEY

Sites and Monuments Record No.: SMR Ant 35:54 Licence number:

Author: D.D.A. Simpson, Dept. of Archaeology, Queen's University Belfast

Site type: Habitation/industrial site

Period/Dating: Neolithic (4000BC-2501 BC)

ITM: E 737322m, N 907488m

Latitude, Longitude (decimal degrees): 54.896275, -5.859107

A third season of excavation uncovered the remainder of the house, first identified last year, associated with the Neolithic settlement. It was a rectangular building some 10m long and 4m wide, the walls of which were marked by bedding trenches filled with packing stones and in which closely spaced timbers could have been set. The house has not yet been dated, but charcoal from surrounding pits has produced a series of radiocarbon dates suggesting that the settlement was established around 4000 BC. The only other house in Northern Ireland of this period was discovered at Ballynagilly, Co. Tyrone.